I covered the vinifera on Saturday Nov 12, with Kellan's help.
I used about 20 bails of dry hay that James and Charmaine has left over.
Along with about 13 rolls worth of insulation that were put directly
over the vines.
I pruned all 5 rows of vines up to and including 4 rows in from the
South. I spur pruned in hopes that I would have a crop next year. We
Will see what happens.
I found one bunch of grapes on the Cabernet Franc. Kellan and I tasted
them ... we both thought they tasted quite good.
I talked to James, and it sounds like the first real frost (hit about 27
F) happened around the 1 or 2 November. Mom said all the leaves were
gone by that Thursday.
I used 2 tarps 30x50 ft and 2 tarps 40x60 ft to cover the vines. I
staked the tarps every 3 feet. I used both regular stakes and the tall
green metal hollow core rods. I have the green side of the tarp facing up.
This should be the last vineyard update of the year other than notes on
temperatures through out the winter.