Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bud Status

Foch ... (4th &5th year) Bud burst happened in the last few days ... some small shoots, several small shoots at the bases. Excellent bud survival... no sign of grape flea beetle.

Landot Noir
Landot Noir(4th year) .... Not seeing any bud swell, except for a few .... not sure if they are late to bud, or dead?

Saint PepinSaint Pepin
Saint Pepin (4th year) ... Not as far along as foch just begining bud burst, many very swollen buds complete burst expected in the next few days. Excellent bud survival ... should have a decent first crop this year (~200 lbs+).

LaCrosse (4th and 5th year) .... About the same as foch as far as bud burst. Also had excellent winter survival. Looks like I'm finally recovering from the 2,4 D damage in 2004. I should also have a decent crop .. ~200 lbs plus.

LaCrescent (2nd year) ... Good first year survival. Looks like I may have only lost one vine (maybe not) All were pruned back to a couple of buds, and bud burst happend over a week ago (but they are all near the ground) Put orange snap together grow tubes on them last week, and buried the tube bases this weekend.

Seedless Concord
Seedless Concord (3rd year) Bud swell ... about the same as Saint Pepin. Put old blue tubes on most of those this weekend... and trimmed most back to a couple of buds. Blue tubes are so I can use herbicide, since weed competition was an issue last year.

Other Notes ...
-Getting very dry, could use a good rain shower. Some rain predicted for the upcoming week.
-Warm temperatures are predicted this week.
-No sign of frost for the next couple of weeks ...

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