Monday, January 19, 2009

Goals for 2008 the hits and misses

14 months ago I layed down my goals for 2008. I had a few hits, but also had some misses. I like to hold myself accountable, so here is the low down ....

2008 goals status

-Plant 200 Marquette vines.
status: done. All 200 planted and doing well

-Have a Well drilled in between vineyard 1 and 3 for irrigation and frost mitigation
status: not done. I wish I would have had this done, but most of the funds I had allocated to this were used to help fix up my house for selling it, and went toward the wedding expenses.
This will be on the list for next year, but at a higher priority level.

-put in a trellis with steel endposts in Vineyard 3
status: Partial. Steel prices got too high, and I ended up using treated end posts. I would have really like to use steel, but it just wasn't economical this time. I will definitely consider these in the future.

-Increase foch yield from 900 lbs to 1500 lbs
status: Major FAIL. Due to the drought, overcropping in 2007, and severity of the winter in 2007-2008, the foch were set back a couple of years.

-Maintain or slightly increase LaCrosse and St Pepin yield ( about 600 lbs - 900 lbs)
status: Minor miss. Yields were down, but I did get harvest.

-get first harvest from experimental vineyard ~100 lbs.
status: Minor miss, I dropped most of the fruit, but still got about 20-30 lbs off the vines.

-start a foliar feeding program
status: miss. No excuses, other than my priorities for resources changed.

-buy new pull behind sprayer
status: miss. I used the ATV sprayer that I already had. Again it was a question of the best application of my resources I had.

-finish trellis in high tunnel
status: done. VSP.

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